BehavioralOS is a set of diagnostic and development tools, based on the theories and methodologies of the late M.I.T. behavioral scientist Dr. Irv Rubin.
The design brief was to develop a brand that conveyed the complex nature of relationships and communication, through colours and unique iconography. Fluidx were tasked with creating a logo that reflected the push and pull nature of communicating, along with iconography that reflected each individual communication style. With this in mind, the branding needed to be engaging, while still being appropriate for use in an educational and professional setting.

The Design
The logo was created by combining the greater than, less than, and infinity signs. This symbolises the push/pull nature of communication, and the limitless potential of success that can be achieved with improved communication.
For the communication style icons, the colours of each icon reflected the emotions associated with each communication style. Gradients were also utilised throughout to represent the ever-changing moods humans possess. This complemented the curved iconography, and provided visual depth to the overall branding.

Overall, a blue colour scheme was used to give the brand a more formal and professional impression, and pay homage to the company’s previous branding.
Source Sans Pro Light
Source Sans Pro SemiBold
Source Sans Pro Regular
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As the content was intended to presented to corporate companies, the typographical layout was consistently kept simple and left-aligned. This was important in order to keep the design looking profession, and also allow for easy document creation and adjustments to the layouts and templates.

The rebrand had a positive commercial impact for both BehavioralOS, and its clients. After creating icons for the eight behavioural styles, BehavioralOS’s intangible products were easier to visualise, and more attractive to potential customers. Clean, curved lines and a blue colour scheme used throughout the branding also helped the brand feel more welcoming, while appearing professional. These elements help BehavioralOS give off the impression that its tools are legitimate, and effective to potential clients.
With the updated branding, BehavioralOS’s existing clients could also better understand the behaviour tools, and apply the concepts to improve productivity and communication within their businesses.